What is a botnet?
A botnet is a series of internet devices (computers, websites, servers, modems, mobile phones, and more) infected with malware, harnessed together. Their purpose is to infect more devices with malware to build their network even further.
Botnets are sometimes very hard to identify because of their nature to switch IP addresses frequently, so as to not trigger security software to take action. Furthermore, botnets can “spoof” legitimate browsers in their requests, making it seem like the request is coming from a normal web browser or mobile phone.
These attributes aside, there are still a few key tricks you can use to identify a botnet.
Bots don’t load assets
Try visiting your site, then look through your site’s access logs. Locate the requests associated with your IP address. Do you see a “GET /” entry in the log? You should! But you should also see a number of static files requested after that, like requests for your theme’s CSS and JavaScript files.
One key attribute of botnets is that they do not load these CSS and JavaScript files. For these you will ONLY see a “GET /” entry, but no static files requested. What’s tricky about this is because botnets don’t load Javascript, these visits to your site are invisible on your Google Analytics reports. You’ll need access to logs from your site’s server itself to identify a botnet.
Bots make illegitimate POST requests
Another way to identify a botnet is to look at the behavior of the IP address: they will often try to make “POST” requests instead of just “GET” requests. A POST request is a request intended to update information, or login to a site. In WordPress, the most common places for this would be your /wp-login.php page, and your /xmlrpc.php page.
The /wp-login.php page is where you and your site authors will log into your WordPress site. A POST request here comes from someone trying to log into the site. On WP Engine, POST requests to the login page without loading the page’s assets are blocked, meaning you are safe from being infected by malware. But, these botnets may be bothersome all the same for various reasons.
Similarly, the /xmlrpc.php page is another page targeted by botnets. This page only accepts POST requests from mobile posting apps, so that you can remotely update your site. Botnets will target these pages in hopes of some kind of security exploit, so they can infect your site and server with malware. On WP Engine, requests to XMLRPC are only accepted from legitimate users on your site, which is another way they protect you from this kind of traffic.
Bots may spoof “fake” browser versions
In your site’s access logs, you’ll generally see entries like this: techgirlkb.guru - [07/Aug/2017:02:32:11 +0000] "GET /2017/08/quick-wins-database-optimization/ HTTP/1.1" 200 9064 "http://m.facebook.com/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Pixel XL Build/NKG47M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/59.0.3071.125 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/;]; WPEPF/1"
This section in quotes “Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Pixel XL Build/NKG47M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/59.0.3071.125 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/;]; WPEPF/1” is the “user agent string” for the request that came in. Normally with a long string like this, it looks like a pretty legitimate user. But often times, botnets will use a user agent string that looks legitimate, but is just slightly off. Here’s an example of one I see a lot:
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1"
This one is really tricky. Based on the results of my user agent string lookup, it appears to be a Windows 7 user, using Firefox version 40.1 as a web browser. Only, Firefox doesn’t have a version 40.1. You can find the real versions of Firefox on their website. This is another way in which it can be hard to identify a botnet: they evade normal security software and firewalls by pretending to be legitimate user agents.
Botnets will change IPs after an invalid response
Last, the other key behavioral trait of a botnet is that it will rotate IP addresses. Usually this happens when the botnet detects it’s been blocked. For instance, if it receives an empty response or a 403 Forbidden response, this signals the botnet that it’s time to move on to a different IP address from another one of its malware-infected devices in the network.
There are several known Internet Service Providers and cell carriers whose devices are most vulnerable to this kind of botnet and to malware. You can read more about it in this comprehensive study done by WordFence. You’ll notice if you do an IP lookup for the IP addresses making these requests, that most are from obscure countries, with the same telecom provider.
One way you can battle the rotating IP addresses is by limiting the traffic allowed to your site to only countries you know to be legitimate. Or (if that’s going to be a really long list), you can alternatively block traffic from the countries you see these botnet requests originating from.
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