If you’re hip to the news in the PHP community, you’ve probably heard that as of December 2018, PHP 5.6 (the most widely-used version of PHP) has reached End of Life, and will also no longer receive back-patches for security updates. To top it off, PHP 7 also reached End of Life and end of security support in the same month. That means a wealth of PHP users are now needing to upgrade in a hurry.
Generally speaking, upgrading your website or application to a newer PHP version isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. Sure, you can type the command to install the new version, but that doesn’t offer any guarantee that your site will still work once that update completes. In this article I’ll explain how I went about updating my organization’s apps to PHP 7.2 in a programmatic way, since we use Ansible to deploy apps and build local vagrants.
Start with the Ansible code
As a DevOps Engineer, part of my job is maintaining and updating our Ansible playbooks and deployments. In our Ansible setup, we have a shared repository of playbooks that all our apps use, and then each app also has an Ansible repository with playbooks specific to that app as well. In order to update to PHP 7.2, I had to undertake updating the shared playbooks and the app-specific playbooks. I started with the shared ones.
To start, I looked at the remi repo blog to see how they suggested upgrading PHP. Our shared ansible repository installs the basics – your LAMP stack, or whatever variation of that you may use. So first, I located where our ansible code installed the remi and epel repos.
- name: install remi and epel repo from remote
- "{{ remi_release_url }}"
- "{{ epel_release_url }}"
become: true
Notice the place to insert the URL to install the URL from is set as a variable – this means any one of the apps that uses this shared ansible code could set its own value for “remi_release_url” or “epel_release_url” to upgrade to a new version going forward. I set the “default” value for these to the URLs for PHP7 as specified in the remi repo blog.
Next, we get the correct key for the remi repo as specified on the blog:name: get remi key
get_url: url={{ remi_key_url }} dest=/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi
become: true
- name: get remi key get_url: url: "{{ remi_key_url }}" dest: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi become: true
Notice we’ve also set “remi_key_url” as a variable, so that if an app chooses to define a new PHP version, they can set the correct key to use for that version as well.
Now that we’ve got the right repos and keys installed, we can install packages using yum. But in doing so, we can define the correct remi repo to select from — in our case, remi-php72.
- name: install php7 packages
- php
- nginx
- php-fpm
- php-mysql
- php-pdo
- php-mbstring
- php-xml
- php-gd
enablerepo: "remi-{{ php_version }},epel"
become: true
Your list of packages may be the same or different, depending on your app’s requirements. The important thing to note here is another variable: “php_version”. This variable is then set in each of the apps to “php72” for now, and can easily be swapped for “php73” or higher as support ends for those versions in the future.
App-specific Ansible changes
Once I had committed my changes to a branch in the shared ansible code, all that was left was to make slight changes to each of my ansible app repos that used this code.
I started by defining the php_version to “php72” and defining the correct repo URLs and key:
php_version: php72
remi_release_url: "http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm"
epel_release_url: "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm"
remi_key_url: "http://rpms.remirepo.net/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi"
This allowed remi to do its thing installing the right versions for the right PHP version.
Next, I went through all the playbooks specific to the app and looked for more yum install sections that might be installing more packages, and ensured they used the “enable_repo” flag with the “remi, remi-{{ php_version }}” value. This means all the additional packages installed for each app will also be installed from the correct remi repo for PHP 7.2.
Last, I ensured our local vagrants built successfully and with no errors using the new PHP version and packages. We ran into very few errors in building the vagrants locally, but the app code itself did need some work, which brings us to the last step.
Update app code
As the DevOps Engineer, I partnered with the lead developer of each application we support to fix any compatibility issues. We use the phpunit tests, as well as phpcs (code sniffing) to detect any issues. We ended up updating our versions of these to check for PHP 7.2 compatibility, and this pointed the developers of each project to the compatibility issues. Some apps certainly had more errors to fix than others, but having the visibility and working vagrants built with Ansible was the key to success.
The other important thing that helped our development teams in this process was having a true local > dev > stage > prod workflow. This allowed us to push to dev, have the developers troubleshoot and fix issues, promote it to staging in a structured release, have QA team members run test suites against it, and finally (only when all is verified as good), push to production. Deploying through all these stages allowed us to work out any kinks before the code made it to production, and it took us about a month from start to finish.
I hope you enjoyed learning about our path to PHP 7! If you have any comments, feedback, or learnings from your journey as well, feel free to leave them in the comments or contact me.
Hello! thank you for sharing this document, I really appreciate this (As i’m kinda newbie on this)
I found that there is an error in your script (at least in the latest version of ansible) while trying to get the remi key:
– name: get remi key
url: “{{ remi_key_url }}”
dest: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi
become: true
Changing it as i mentioned fixed the playbook.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you! You’re right, I’ve updated the snippet 🙂